Jumat, 11 November 2011

Events of 10 November is an historical event of war between Indonesia and the Netherlands. On March 1, 1942, Japanese troops landed on the island of Java, and seven days later, exactly, March 8, the Dutch colonial government surrendered unconditionally to the Japanese. Since then, Indonesia was occupied by Japan.
Three years later, Japan surrendered unconditionally to the Allies after the dropping of atomic bombs (by the United States) in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The incident occurred in August 1945. Fill the vacancy, then Indonesia proclaimed its independence on August 17, 1945. Before stripped by the allies, the people of Indonesia and the fighters tried to disarm the Japanese army. Hence the battles that took the lives in many areas. When the movement to disarm the Japanese troops were blazing, September 15, 1945, British troops landed in Jakarta, then landed in Surabaya on October 25. British soldiers were brought to Indonesia over the decision and on behalf of the Allies, with the task to disarm the Japanese army, freeing the prisoners who were detained Japan, and repatriate the Japanese troops to his country. But, in addition, British troops also bring the mission to restore Indonesia to the Dutch government as a colony. NICA (Netherlands Indies Civil Administration) was hitchhiking. That's what the people of Indonesia blew up anger everywhere.
In Surabaya, dikibarkannya Dutch flag, the Red-White-Blue, at the Hotel Yamato, has spawned Tunjungan incident, which sparked whipping up armed clashes between British troops struggle with bodies formed by the people. Armed clashes with British troops in Surabaya, culminating in the murder of Brigadier General Mallaby, (led British troops to East Java), on October 30.
After the murder of Brigadier General Mallaby, his successor (Major General Mansergh) issued an ultimatum that is an insult to the fighters and the people generally. In the ultimatum stated that all the leaders and people of Indonesia are armed to report and put the gun in the place designated and submit himself to raise their hands above. Limit of the ultimatum was at 6:00 am on 10 November 1945.
The ultimatum was rejected by Indonesia. Therefore, the Republic of Indonesia at that time had stood (although recently proclaimed), and People's Security Army (TKR) as a tool of the state have also been established.
In addition, many organizations struggle that has shaped society, including among the youth, student and student. Agencies that struggle has emerged as a common manifestation determination to defend the young republic, to disarm the Japanese troops, and to oppose the re-entry of Dutch colonialism (the ride with the presence of British troops in Indonesia).
On 10 November morning, British troops launched a major offensive and awesome once, by deploying about 30,000 troops, 50 aircraft, and a large number of warships.
Various parts of the city of Surabaya showered with bombs, fired blindly with a cannon from the sea and land. Thousands of residents were affected, many died and many more wounded. However, resistance fighters also raged throughout the city, with the active assistance of the population.
The British suspect that the resistance of the people of Indonesia in Surabaya can be conquered within three days, by deploying a complete modern weaponry, including aircraft, warships, tanks, and armored vehicles that quite a lot.
But unexpectedly, it turns out the public figures of the 'ulama' and the priest-chaplain java hut like KH. Hashim Ash'ari, KH. Wahab Hasbullah priest-chaplain and other schools, students mobilize their students and the general public (at the time people are not so obedient to the government but they are more submissive and obedient to the priest) was also there as a young pioneer bung tomo and others. resistance so that it can last a long, lasting from day to day, and the other from week to week. Resistance of the people who initially made spontaneously and not coordinated, more and more regularly. This massive battle takes up to a month, before the city fell in the hands of the British.
The bloody events in Surabaya when it also has moved across the Indonesian people's resistance to repel the invaders and defend freedom. The number of fighters who are killed and the people who are victims when it is later remembered as Heroes' Day.

Present Of Hotel Yamato

Minggu, 06 November 2011


? Verily We have granted thee many favors reply. So establish regular Prayer: Because your Lord and sembelihlah animals. Those who hate you, he who is lost?
Giving favors by God to man is infinite. Wife and child wealth is part of God's favor. Health and chance also favors yangg very important. Humans are also given the rank of a position of favor and power. Everything that humans are a blessing from God either in the form of material and non material. But it also bersanmaan all these favors as well as a trial or test slander or reinforcements? for man in her life. God says? And know that riches and treasure your children is a slander. And Allah has a great reward?.
Though God gives His blessings innumerable to man but in fact God has preferred what was given to a person than others. So there is a poor rich rich enough and some even became a daddy bum shelter under heaven. Likewise, there are some who became the ruler of the commoners. There are leaders / heads and there are subordinates / subordinate. This is all well within the framework of a trial for anyone who is really faithful and anyone who just a believer in the lip.

That is very unfortunate if some of us who wasted a chance from God that is not going to fast on the 9th of Zul Hijjah was Arafat who called fasting.
Trials of the property are also associated with the implementation of the slaughtered animal worship Udhiyah famous animal qurban on feast days. Because on this day God had Udhiyah mensyariatkan for slaughtering animals {} then the feast is called with wa al-Adha feast biha Sumiya yaumal-adha. Likewise, the Prophet Muhammad explanation? Day feast on human nature adl finish breaking the Ramadan fast. While al-Adha feast on human adl air-Udhiyah? .
Then one more proof that a person's property is passed from the ordeal he would willingly use it for air-Udhiyah whether it be cow or goat buffalo. It depends on the capabilities of each. A goat may be used for one person and his family all his household. Medium cows / buffaloes allowed to seven persons and their families' household respectively. These include meat slaughtered religious greatness that is to be eaten provided to entertain guests who request or who are not able to ask {people}. Meat can also be stored to be eaten until the day tasyrik. God said? Eat some and to feed the people who did not request and the person who asks?. {QS. Al-Hajj 36}.
While the Prophet said? Eat to feed and save!?
Meanwhile a big ordeal to something humans have never experienced Abul Anbiya? Khalilurrahman AS Ibrahim. He has passed the test or trial from God. This is documented in the Qur? An? And when Ibrahim was given cabaan by his Lord with a few sentences ago Ibrahim passed the ordeal. God said? Behold, I make you O Ibrahim Imam of all men ... ?
Graduation Ibrahim not only in carrying out God's command but also in its discretion deliver the order to her son whom she loved. He did not immediately take a sudden and did not seek inadvertence or to kidnap terror and intimidation tactics. Although Abraham has a mass that much but he did not use the masses to their knees in front of her son. God's command delivered with full transparency argument Divine.
While Ismail obedient child and parents understand the status and position as a child he did not disobey and do not doubt. Ismail gave an answer emissive tawaddu faith? and resignation to God rather than to highlight the heroism or valor seek popularity. He did not do a confrontational protests without heed akhlakul Karimah or by force to protest against the will of his father.
It's two father figures, and this child is uswah hasanah for mankind. Even Sharia of Prophet Muhammad SAW is the Shari'a that were once God had revealed to Abraham. So we slaughter animals on day qurban? Eid ul-Adha is included to emulate the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad as the Prophet Ibrahim? Sunnatu abikum Ibrahim.? .
? Eid al-Adha who has an important meaning in life. Meaning we need to ponder deeply and always we review that we pass from the various trials God. Meaning? Eid al-Adha is
Recognizing again that human beings whose name is a little sheer greatness no matter how many bears. This is the meaning we proclaim Takbir Allahu akbar!
Recognizing again that nothing can be Tuhankan but Allah.
This is the meaning of our sentences kumandangkan monotheism La ilaha illallah!

Finally, I hope? Eid al-Adha with a variety of worship that we implement today can reawaken our sleep. Then again we berihtiar utmost to multiply good deeds as the fuser bad deeds during this time. Amen!
By Drs. Salim Al-Shafi'i Islam - Center for Information and Communication Islam Indonesia () (